Clean de la Crème

Alena Rostkova
4208 New Brighton dr.
Apex, NC 27539

phone (919)-332-8047

Customer Policies

Our fees are listed below. You will be charged per person per hour: for example-if one person cleans your house in three hours, your fee will be $90.00. If two people clean your house in an hour and half, your fee will also be $90.00. I will estimate your fee as closely as possible. The fee for your first time cleaning will be higher than your regular fee, but by the second cleaning we will know your regular price. This price should not change unless you request a special project. You may choose to alternate certain rooms or chores.
We do have insurance against breakage, but please let us know how to best treat or avoid fragile valuables. All of my employees have been prescreened by background check.

Minimum Charges


2 hrs
$ 60.00
2.5 hrs
$ 75.00
3 hrs
3.5 hrs
$ 105.00
4 hrs
4.5 hrs
$ 135.00

Estimated fee for first time cleaning: _________include +50%
Estimated fee for regular cleaning: _________
Estimated fee for 5th cleaning: _________include - 50%
50% off one cleaning if you refer new customer


Write check to: Alena Rostkova, and leave on kitchen table, counter, or other obvious location.
If you need to reschedule, or skip a cleaning for any reason, please call me at 332 8047 as soon as possible.
We take most of the Traditional Holidays, but we often have crews that work on the minor holidays, so you will be able to keep your cleaning if you want us to.

Policy on keys and entry: We can have a copy, you can hide a copy, or you can be at home every time. We prefer our own copy in case you forget about us.

If there was something missed during your cleaning, or if something was not cleaned well, please you call me or leave your crew a note at their next cleaning date. If the over all job was not done well, or a whole room or large task was missed, please do not do it yourself! Call me and we will return as soon as possible to re-clean. I and/or the workers will see for themselves what mistakes were made, so that it can be done properly the next time, and not be missed again.

Please let me know of anything we can do to improve our service and take care of all of your cleaning needs.